Our workshops are based on techniques and methodologies developed over many years. They are trialed and tested with organizations such as American Express, FedEx, Caterpillar, Raiffaisen Bank Bulgaria, and many more. The results – energized employees, emotionally engaged customers, higher NPS and sales.

For Managers and CX Professionals

Customer Experience Key Principles

  • The training “Customer Experience Key Principles” aims to deliver in an engaging and memorable way the key principles, that participants need to understand and use to improve the customer experience and increase sales and retention. We’re looking at the key benefits of CX, the role of emotions, subconscious aspects that influence us, key behavioral economics principles, how to measure the CX, what are the common pitfalls to avoid etc., all mixed with humor and delivered in different formats.


Customer Experience Design

  • Journey Mapping is one of the most powerful yet cheap and easy to use tools to effect change in the organizations’ customer experience and drive customer loyalty. In this course, managers and CX professionals will learn how they can use the methodology with their teams to find opportunities for improvements and design customer experiences and service improvements.


The Buying Brain

  • Why do customers buy? How do they make decisions? In this course we will look at the psychology of consumers. We’ll look at psychological principles that drive our decision making and key behavioral economics principles and how they can be used in marketing and customer experience settings.


Customer View “On

  •  Over the years we have developed a system to train participants and equip them with a “tool” to evaluate the customer experience from the customer’s point of view. The sheets “Customer View “On” make employees pay attention to and describe not just the rational aspects of the experience but also the emotional and psychological and subconscious aspects of the experience. They will allow the secret shoppers to evaluate the mini-moments of the experience and gather data in a systematic way. The training includes a best practice walk outside the office so participants can observe some of the principles in practice, discuss what made their experiences positive or negative and draw learnings that could be applied in their organization.

For Customer-Facing Employees

Customer Experience Key Principles

  • The training “Customer Experience Key Principles” aims to deliver in an engaging and memorable way the key principles, that participants need to understand and use to improve the customer experience and increase sales and retention. Participants will learn about the benefits of customer experience, the role of the subconscious, how to turn negative emotions into positive, how the end the conversation, key behavioral economics principle that they can apply, how to deal with customer complaints, etc.


The Signature Experience

  • Everyone, who interacts with your customers, needs to be trained on what is the experience you want to deliver, including which emotions you want to evoke and how to deliver that experience and evoke the desired emotions in your customers.We’ll work with you to develop the course as per the experience you want to manifest and train your employees or trainers.



  • In case, that being outside the office or in a classroom for several hours at a time is not feasible or you need to scale the training, we can develop an e-learning course that is broken into palatable 20-40 min modules. The course could be integrated into your online e-learning system.